Myron Kassaraba's weblog about digital photography on the web

Saturday, December 18, 2004 Reviews Mirra Digital Shoebox

CameraTown.Com: New, Reviews, Tutorials, Articles, Firmware, Manuals and More.

OK, so here's something that seems to be making more sense to me. The Mirra Digital Shoebox is a network server for storing your digital media files and can act as a web server for photo sharing. All these choices. What is really needed is a vitual digital media store. Some things on your hard disk, some on your personal server, some on your iPod, some on a web service, all managed as if they were one large virtual collection.

HeyPix! Launches

HeyPix! The best way to share photos.

HeyPix! is an online sharing service from a Boston-area startup with its origins in a product called Electric Shoebox. Electric Shoebox used a P2P model for sharing that worked technically but P2P is a big hurdle to overcome for many users including me. I don't want my hard disk sitting on the net no matter how good the claims of security.

HeyPix borrows an improved version of Electric Shoebox's nifty thin client app for organizing and composing collections of photos for sharing. This is certainly a crowded space but with the massive number if new digital cameras and camera phones being sold this holiday - there will be lots of new users surfing the web looking for services to use.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Jimmy Buffett at Fenway Park - September 12, 2004. As we were walking up to Fenway for the concert, JB and the band came rolling up in a duck boat - it was classic. I was able to get my camera booted up and snapped a few photos. The bummer was that when I went through the gate, the security guard found my CoolPix in my pocket and gave me a choice - to give him the battery or have me take the camera back to my car. I parted with battery and learned a lesson. I did have my camera phone and have a few shots but they are crappy. It was a great show.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

FlyingPhoto takes Business Focus

Welcome to FlyingPhoto, a nascent online service developed by Boston-area developer Great Point Design has re-launched their service with a focus on business applications for web slideshows. The product uses a thin client for authoring and site management and produces some very pleasing output without a lot of work.